Wednesday 15 July 2020

Kimberley's creation!

You would never believe what I found. I found a real life, living Rhinogpolmonk. It is the most dangerous and rare animal in the world. Its tail is deadly and just one hit will kill you. Its tail also has LOTS of venom in its tail and sometimes it spreads to its horn. But it is not dangerous to kill the animal. Rhinogpolmonk’s are only vicious when they think that you are trying to kill them. And there is NO way to survive an attack (as far as we know). It is actually very kind if you are kind to it. A Rhinogpolmonk is the size a normal size dog.

Here is a picture of a Rhinogpolmonk.

If you did not know Rhinogpolmonk is made out four different animals from different countries. -Rin is for a white rhino -the white rhino is the head -og is for a dog - the dog is the body -pol is for a polar bear -the polar bear is the legs -and monk is a woolly spider monkey -the woolly spider monkey is the tail

You would think that if some of its body is furry it all should be furry. Interestingly the Rinogpolmonk has fur on its body, legs and tail but not much at all on its face.

They LOVE to eat other animals and their favourites are rabbit, birds and badgers. Sometimes and VERY rarely they eat grass, leaves, flowers and bark from the trees. They DO NOT eat people, but they do kill you! Although it is as small as a dog, they eat A LOT!

The population of the Rinogpolmonk is about 5 alive that the scientists say. But sadly, I overheard that the scientists are going to gather them up and test them and some of the tests can kill them.

You can find them in the countryside, but they hide.

Kimberley has created her own animal. Fantastic work !

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