Sunday 14 June 2020

Summer week 3 (2nd Half)

Hi everyone. I hope you are all doing ok. I can't believe we are now beginning week 12 of lockdown. I'm really enjoying seeing all the lovely work you are all doing.
Don't forget to email your photographs or send me your work to look at.You can also comment on any of the blog posts.

Weekly Maths Tasks (plus TT rockstars and Hit the button for maths facts)

Please click on the link below to access this week's daily maths activities.

(Please ensure you click on the Summer week 6 activity.) There are 4 daily lessons.

White Rose Summer Week 6 (Wk commencing 1st June) VIDEO LINKS

Worksheets for each day below.
Day 1 Worksheet Multiplying fractions by integers
Day 1 Answers
Day 2 Worksheet Multiplying mixed numbers by integers
Day 2 Answers
Day 3 Worksheet Fractions of amounts
Day 3 Answers
Day 4 Worksheet Fractions as operators
Day 4 Answers

Day 5 Maths puzzles  Here are lots of puzzles and challenges for you to have a go at.Pick a few and see if you can solve them.

Weekly English Tasks (plus daily reading) 
Here is the new writing unit for the next two weeks. It is organised in a way that you build up to a final piece of writing. Work through the unit systematically and remember this is a two week unit.

Talk for writing Wizards unit

Spot the errors and correct errors worksheets   Complete pages 1 and 2 

Wider curriculum tasks


Worksheets Do worksheet 2C


Grid references powerpoint
Treasure island activity
Swanage map activity


Last week you should have done some experimenting with different flavours to decide what type of cakes you were going to make for your design. (See last weeks blog post for details). 
You should now be ready to make your cake(s) ready to decorate next week.
This week you need to make your cake and then freeze them to decorate later.
Think carefully about which shapes to make your cake for the design you did in week 1. Will you need more than one cake?
Don't forget to take photographs of each step so that you can show me what you have done. I can't wait to see all your efforts.

Here are several activities for you to have a look at.Feel free to do as many of them as you like. I would like you to do at least one of them this week.

Resilience Ladder activity

The resilience ladder is a great tool for working towards a goal. The reason we really like it is because, before encouraging the child to work towards their goal, it encourages them to think about how they might feel along the way. Managing expectations for this and preparing for uncomfortable feelings is an important step in any challenging journey and can make the difference between quitting and carrying on. This ladder could be useful for any children / young people who are preparing to come back to school and to go over their thoughts about this and how they can prepare.
Resilience ladder activity

Young Minds: How Many Positives Activity
Young Minds have created a resource for schools, to help students think positively. Thinking negatively can become a habit which impacts our general mood and wellbeing. The simple and easy to understand worksheet can help students recognise their own positive features.
Positive mindset activity

BBC: Express yourself!
The BBC have pulled together a variety of photographs which illustrate the ways in which individuals have expressed their feelings whilst social distancing and self-isolating. Encourage students to explore the photographs and think about how these photographers were feeling at the time of taking their picture.
BBC feelings photographs

Another nice idea is to take photos of letters out and about, to add together to form a word e.g. their name or something like hope, happiness, love, community. This encourages you to take notice and be mindful of your surroundings. It can also be done indoors (see examples below, the last one was done indoors).

In addition to this week's activities here is a lovely book for you to have a look at.

Everybody Worries
Everybody Worries is a free picture book by John Burgerman. It starts with general worries and how some people might worry about something that others don’t. It then moves on to Coronavirus, we really like that it includes some coping strategies for use when worried.
Everybody worries picture book

Picture news

Story: One parent’s solution to helping her children manage money during the lockdown period was to buy a vending machine for the family!

Question: How should we learn to manage our money?

Virual assembly link

Ongoing project

This half term we thought it would be nice to do some research about an aspect of our local area. We decided that the 3 churches and their history would be a great project. We would like you to find out about them and present your work in an interesting,exciting way. We particularly would like you to look at how each church is similar /different. You could maybe talk to people who attend these churches and ask them what it is like and the things that happen during their services. Find out about the Catholic, Anglican and Methodist branches of the Christian faith. They will have things that are the same and some things which are very different.You could maybe do a painting/drawing or model of one of them too. 

You could also included Selby Abbey, as this is a fabulous building with so much history.

(If anyone has their Hero projects completed,don't forget to email them to me at:-               
 mrs )

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