Sunday 7 June 2020

Summer week 2 (2nd Half)

Hi everyone. I hope you are all doing ok. Here is the new learning blog for this week.
Don't forget to email me anything you would like me to look at or photographs of you doing any of the activities.

It's so lovely to hear from you all.

Weekly Maths Tasks (plus TT rockstars and Hit the button for maths facts)

Please click on the link below to access this week's daily maths activities.

(Please ensure you click on the Summer week 5 activity.) There are 4 daily lessons.

White Rose Summer Week 5 (Wk commencing 18th May) VIDEO LINKS

Worksheets for each day are below. 
Day 1 Worksheet Add and subtract fractions
Day 1 Answers
Day 2 Worksheet Add fractions
Day 2 Answers
Day 3 Worksheet Add mixed numbers
Day 3 Answers
Day 4 Worksheet Subtract mixed numbers
Day 4 Answers
Day 5 Bitesize challenges

Weekly English Tasks (plus daily reading) 
This is the second week of the unit. It is organised in a way that you build up to a final piece of writing. Work through the unit systematically.
Talk for writing - One chance unit 

If you complete the Talk for writing unit here is a reading comprehension for you to have a go at.

Reading comprehension

There are 3 levels of this comprehension. If in doubt which one to do choose the middle one.
The man who could move mountains

You could also write me a letter telling me about everything you are getting up to in lockdown. It would be lovely to hear from you.

This week we are going to be investigating words which contain silent letters which make them tricky to spell.
First have a look at the video on the link below.

Silent letters BBC video

Now use Look/Cover/Write/Check to practise spelling these words. Which letter is the silent one in each of them?
Can you think of some more words which contain silent letters? 
List as many as you can.
On the link below there are some games to practise spelling some tricky silent letter words,
Spelling zone


Dissolving powerpoint
Use the link below and complete worksheet 1C. Choose some materials that you have at home to mix in water and record what happens. eg: salt, sugar, sand, baking powder, powder paint, flour, gravy powder 
Dissolving worksheets


Compass points powerpoint
You can then have a go at the worksheets on the links below which are looking at compass directions.
Compass directions worksheet
Directions challenge sheet
Treasure island directions
You could maybe have a go at creating your own compass directions map with some questions about it like the treasure island one.


This week I would like you to find out which flavour cake you are going to make your design from. 
To do this you could make some basic buns and then add various flavours to them to decide which is your favourite. You could even ask other members of your family which they like best and do a vote to decide which is their favourite.

Here is a recipe for a basic bun mixture :
8 oz self raising flour
8 oz baking magarine
8 oz sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
1 tablespoon of boiling water
4 large eggs

  • cream together the margarine and sugar
  • mix in the 4 eggs and vanilla essence
  • add in the flour slowly
  • add the boiling water
  • put bun cases in a tin and fill each case half full of the mixture
  • bake in oven 180 degrees F for 17 minutes
This mixture will make up to 24 buns depending on size of cases.
To change the flavour replace the vanilla essence with a different flavour eg: orange, lemon, coffee.

You don't have to use the recipe you may have recipes of your own that you could use.

After this you should know the flavour cake or cakes you are going to use for your design.


Use the link below to have a go at composing your own music using sounds around you.

BBC Bitesize Composing music with found sounds

Picture news

Story: As some children return to school, we think about how our routines have changed during this time.
Question: How important is it to have a routine?

Ongoing project

This half term we thought it would be nice to do some research about an aspect of our local area. We decided that the 3 churches and their history would be a great project. We would like you to find out about them and present your work in an interesting,exciting way. We particularly would like you to look at how each church is similar /different. You could maybe talk to people who attend these churches and ask them what it is like and the things that happen during their services. Find out about the Catholic, Anglican and Methodist branches of the Christian faith. They will have things that are the same and some things which are very different.You could maybe do a painting/drawing or model of one of them too. 

You could also included Selby Abbey, as this is a fabulous building with so much history.

(If anyone has their Hero projects completed,don't forget to email them to me at:-               
 mrs )

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